
Thursday, May 31, 2012



Getting back into a regular pattern for my life after any hiatus is hard! It doesn't matter if it's a vacation for a few days or a trip of a few months.  I'm home now and figuring it all out.

The first week I was wonderfully distracted by my son’s visit from Seattle.  The second week I tackled the multiple boxes of mail- mostly junk but all of it  had to be sorted.  This week I opened some boxes in the garage.  Stuff, stuff and more stuff. (and notice the pace- I'd rather be chasing light or reading a book...)

But in the hustle and bustle of returning home, a single box was moved to the garage.  I didn’t remember it was coming, I hadn’t waited in anticipation, I was gone when it arrived.  But there it sat, waiting for me.

I found the box, finally, and when I opened it, I was thrilled!  A wonderful friend designed this book for my cabin- I’ll add some pictures, some greetings from the people who come and see me. A collecting point for wonderful memories. A treasured gift.

And I had forgotten it was coming. I didn’t realize it arrived. 

Yesterday, the Fedex man drove down my driveway- it always makes me feel like part of civilization to have a real delivery truck in front of my house!  I opened that box and there was a lovely, wrapped gift.

No card. No name.  I did have a birthday last week but who is blessing me?

 Gifts- sometimes they are unexpected and you can’t identify the source. Sometimes they come into your life and you don’t recognize them or fail to open them up.  And it’s not usually stuff- it’s gifts of grace and love and words of affirmation.

But when it is stuff- it's great to be fun stuff like this! 

My last gift didn’t come in a box and it wasn’t delivered.  But my dear friend wrote lovely comments on some blogs I wrote, she sent me a thoughtful email and encouraged me with her words.  It didn’t have a bow but it brought life to my spirit and delight to my soul as much as the book and bath goodies. 

What other gifts does God have for me? What gifts does He have for you? Are they forgotten, not necessarily in the garage, but in the back of our cluttered minds?  If they slip in quietly, do we notice?  I want to be watching for His gifts-  expecting mercy, grace, peace.  Living in anticipation of the good.

And I want to be grateful- I want to thank the person for the box of bath goodies in a wonderful box. I want to show my friend how the book turned out and rejoice with her for beauty and the hope of a good future.  I want to express my thanks for words of life and love.

For all the gifts that come my way,
Lord, I want to be mindful, I want to be grateful. 

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