
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Charleston, South Carolina

Middleton Plantation
Summerville, South Carolina
Pretend those are 18th century shepards... ignore the modern trash cans.
Not all beautiful homes are in Charleston.
This is a little river front place in Beaufort, SC.
 I wandered around Beaufort with Tom and Eko Demars. They had been stationed there years ago when Tom flew.... some fancy aircraft - F14s?  For a military pilot's wife, I am terrible with details like squadrons and planes.  They were young, handsome, flew in fast planes and skinny helicopters... think Top Gun. With pregnant wives!  Well, we didn't get to fly WITH them.  We did sit on the ground and worry. It seems like a lifetime ago and Tom said, "Well, it was."   A good lifetime.

Our families met much later than the men's flying days- both men were stationed at NATO Southern headquarters in Naples, Italy.  My memories are of drives into the mountains, picnics and gelato, birthday parties on the balcony of Italian tourist hotels. Shopping for our matching canister sets. Fun stuff. No imminent babies. No potential plane wrecks. They went to the safety of Zagreb and Serievo and we wives stayed home ant took Italian cooking classes.  Italy was great fun for Eko and I !

St Michael's Episcopal Church
Tome and Eko after our lovely evening service.

 It's wonderful to walk Charleston in the late afternoon light.

Tidal muck- also known as "Pluff Mud".

I have a recipe.

These Charslestonians love to eat.... and Eko is one of the best cooks I know.
The eatins' been good. 

Charleston harbor

Eko and I have been running around exploring and have a day planned for today. 

Yesterday was a Middleton Plantation drive-by to shoot sheep. 
Photos above. No sheep were injured.

Next was Magnolia Plantation and their Swamp Walk. 

Great fun and beautiful. 
It was full of wintering birds- snowy egrets and great blue herons. 
White Ibis and small white herons. 
 Here's some of my images.

Black-crowned night heron

A yellow-crowned night heron surrounded by duckweed- tiny plants that float on swamp water and provide food for aquatic creatures. And then lunch for swamp birds. Who are eaten by really quick swamp alligators.
Gotta love the south.... somebody's always eatin',

The old tree fell and the upstart that was left wound its roots all over the decaying truck. Again... eating "with" the neighbors has a whole new meaning here. 

Next we drove to the John's Island Angel Oak.  It is unbelievable. Legend says its 1400 years old but live oaks only live to about 500. They think it's about 400. It's old.  And has a gentle, holy atmosphere all around it. Very special spot.

Can you see what we saw?

Eko and I are very aware of Abby and the soon to come grandbaby. And Eko pointed out this image in the tree. The man and woman with her baby belly between them.  All around us are signs of new life - here in the spring season and the baby soon to come.  Good stuff!

About time to bid adieu to Charleston.
I'll  head to North Carolina and the fun that awaits there! 


  1. Kathryn,

    So gorgeous!!!! I'm living vicariously through you:).


  2. Awesome!!!!
    Kathy... you take wonderful photos... but the captions are even BETTER!!!
    Love ya, Love to Abbigail & Steve
    & Josiah when you fet to see him :-)
    Ken & Terry

  3. Ahhh Charleston -- one of my most favorite cities anywhere. SO glad you saw Middleton and now I want to go see all the rest you describe :-) The bird photos are stunning - paintings! SUCH an arty shot of the evening light on the church; I've never seen that perspective on St. Michael's-- very un-touristy :-) YOu have more than a camera Kathyrn, you have an eye and great heart!


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