
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

On the road- in search of Beauty

Off I go- with Clye the Wonder Truck.
South on Virginia 28 to Stanleytown, Va.
Simple trip. 

I only got an hour into my trip when Beauty called.  

Our family loves climbing beautiful Old Rag Mtn.
I'd include a picture but they are still locked in PC Land.... another project rears it's ugly head. 

So I'm cruising along and there, just west of Culpepper,  is the familiar sign to Banco, Criglersville and Syria. It's a puzzle to figure out how to find mountains in Virginia- they don't have signs pointing to them.  But that's the road- it's worth finding. 

So I'm reminiscing about wonderful family hikes along the beautiful stream- oops, turns out I'm thinking of our other favorite hike - up White Oak Canyon... and there along my road is a sign "Tulips".  Wow- random. 

Now you know how I get post ideas. I'm a bit ADD. "See the squirrel!" ( or road sign or "Tulips") 
 Cool, let's write about it.

And this is what I find at the end of a winding road into random Virginia countryside.

 I expected a sign to ....Holland? Of course.  


Lots of tulips.

And it is beautiful.

Beautiful AND clever. 

What can I say-
 tulips say spring and these say spring with beauty and panache. 

"Organic Flower Bulb "Beauty Rose"
Amazing peony tulip - Beauty Rose is one of our Novelty varieties.
 This tulip doesn't need a fancy discription!"

Beauty needs no reason. 
So stop along the way, especially when you see "Tulips". 

1 comment:

  1. Kathy, love this blog, and oh, how I was with you today! Jan Switzer


Thank you for your comments. I am always encouraged to know this blog is a blessing.