The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.
Does He really? Does God really rejoice over .... me? Does He rest in his love... for me? Is He truly mighty in the midst.... of pain, suffering, birth, death.... life?
Yes! Jesus said if a man, who is evil, gives good gifts, how much more does the heavenly Father give those who love him ....
For five days, Josiah has done nothing of worth, earned no money, made no deals- instead he has christened couches, beds and the floor, and generally disrubted his parents' lives. He has not earned our love or demanded it. He just came.
And we rejoice, we laugh, we kiss tiny toes, we sing, we comfort him with our love.... naturally we give, we pour out. Supernaturally we respond to this new life in our midst.
And if we who are human, fallen and self-centered can rejoice over such a small person with no visible response to us, then, yes! I can believe - that our Father rejoices over us.
He is in the midst of us.
He will rejoice over us with joy,
He will quiet us with his love, He will rejoice over us with singing.
The LORD your God in the midst of you is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over you with joy; he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.
Thanks for the beautiful photos of beautiful Josiah and his mom and dad too.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the reminder of how God loves us before we do anything lovable, reminding me again that I don't earn it and I don't deserve it and it is to love me.
A baby changes everything. :)
Love you all and kiss some baby cheeks for me!
Smiled all the way through this.
ReplyDeleteBrought memories of the birth of my daughter's 3 sons. I stayed with her for 3-5 weeks for each birth. I did the very same that you did Kathryn. I prayed blessing, exhortations, scripture, and smothered them in love.
I'm still smiling over your words. Bravo! Well said from the heart and a mirror of HIS.