
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Writing in the Midst

I've directed several people to this blog site- Gee, people who blog, write- regularly. I want to write more!

  I so admire my wonderful friend, Trinity- she has her computer on her dining room table and blogs as her three kids UNDER 5.... play. At her feet. Not quietly- well, baby Kyrie is a sweet little girl who often sits and laughs at her wild and rambuntious brothers.  It's loud and crazy and full of love and laughter and Trinity writes and writes and does these amazing art journals. IN the middle of life.

I'm always waiting until life is in order, waiting for the right time. Spinning my wheels and waiting to see if the stars all line up and all of life's details are sorted out- THEN I will take the time and write.   Besides, who wants to hear about what I'm doing in the midst of the crazies of life.

Well, I LOVE hearing what God is saying to Trinity.  I love hearing the wisdom she is gleaning as she lives. We are in a spiritual formation class together and we were disccussing journaling.  She said the truth all writers know- "I don't write because I know, I write so I WILL know."  There is something powerful about processing the whispers of God and then expressing our jumbled thoughts in words.  No wonder the WORD says that God spoke and the world was created.  We create when we form words- written and spoken. I believe we set into motion life or death with our words and I want to speak, I want to write - life.

So that means in the midst of the chaos, I will write.  I'm surrounded by boxes- wow, Lord, you have blessed me with more than enough.  Many of the boxes are full of books- "Lord, I am grateful for my mind. Thank you for my parents who encouraged me to read and who spent some of their frugal budget on Reader's Digest Condensed Books. What memories those old books bring back. Thank you for the blessings of family memories."

There are multiple ladders- "God, you have provided me with wonderful friends. Friends with busy lives and full schedules who are trying to fit my needs into their lives.  Bless them, Lord, as they bless me. Help us all to get the tasks done to be ready for the buyer of this house. Bless that buyer now, Lord, as they anticipate a new home."

"Thank you, Lord, for the heat that warms my house and the funds to pay the bills. Thank you for pletnty of food and three refridgerators- please let someone take two of them!  Thank you for giving me good counsel and sound advisors. There is more than enough for what you have for me. I can trust you."

The day draws to a close and I am tired with the fatigue of hard work but also the satisfaction of knowing that I am doing my part.  And that God is doing His;  His people are doing theirs.  Life is good. Even in the midst of chaos.  And when I write it down, I know it is true.  And the truth will set me free.

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