
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Advent- Goodwill towards men, toward me?

Glory To God In The Highest

Luke 2:13-14

“And suddenly there was with the angel, a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God, and saying: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, good will towards men.”

T. Smith
 Water from Rock


"Handel’s theatrical genius comes through in today’s music as he takes listeners through three scene changes. The first scene is the sound of angels hovering above the shepherds. The solo voice is highlighted with accompaniment, rapid violins whirring like a multitude of angel wings. Handel intends a lively, energetic solo, marking the tempo, Allegro, quick and lively. The soprano sings in a high range, suggesting the messenger angel hovering high overhead.
Then, the scene changes to the sound of angels coming to the shepherds. As if from far away, we hear a chorus, or a multitude of angels. The singing and accompaniment are in the high range without any bass voices, suggesting height and glory in the highest. With each “glory to God” the chorus grows louder as the angels come nearer to earth. The angels hover as the violins flutter. For the first time in the oratorio, trumpets join in, suggesting the entrance of royalty.
As “glory in the highest” is in the high range, so “peace on earth”, descends to a low range. Basses join in with their low voices as the violins hover high. The descent of the music line suggests the descent of peace to the people on earth. In contrast to the robust singing of “good will”, “peace on earth” is tranquil.
The voices of the people on earth join the angels in singing, “good will”. The song of the angels now becomes our song! Calvin Stapert has an interesting interpretation of the chorus’ singing “good will”:
It doesn’t take a whole lot of imagination to hear this as convivial greetings – ‘goodwill’ sounding like hearty shouts of ‘good cheer’ accompanied by the raising of glasses. This image becomes especially apparent when Handel completely isolates the word ‘goodwill’ and tosses it around from voice to voice.                     


I love this site, Water from Rock.  I've listened to the Messiah for years now but I am hearing more this time than ever before.   If you're interested, go to the site and listen to this two minute piece after you read his description of how Handel interpted the Scripture. It's amazing! 


I think we listen to the familiar Christmas stories and sing the same songs year after year and yes, we love them. Part is nostalgia- for some of us, we sang these same hymns as children.  Music styles change, worship music have trends but somehow we return each Advent to the sweet Christmas hymns.  Sometimes with new (and often more singable) arrangements but the words are seasonal touchstones for our Christmas mindset. 

O come, O come, Emmanuel
And ransom captive Israel

While shepherds watched
Their flocks by night

Angels from the realms of glory,
Wing your flight o'er all the earth;

Hark the herald angels sing
"Glory to the newborn King!

O little town of Bethlehem
How still we see thee lie

Away in a manger,
No crib for His bed

Silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is bright

Go tell it on the mountain,
Over the hills and everywhere,

Joy to the world, the Lord is come!
Let earth receive her King;

There you have the entire gospel- Israel is captive. Sheperds watched, angels winged o'er the earth; Glory to the Newborn King! Bethlehem lies still; away in a manger, no crib- in a silent night. Go, tell, joy- the Lord is come!


I've seen these lryics all my life,  I hear the melodies on the first line or two.  But this year I heard...  "and on earth, peace, good will towards men".   

GOOD will, God's will toward mankind - is GOOD.  That what Peace is- bringing God's goodnes into our lives.   But we know there is not peace on our earth- this week heartbroken families will bury small caskets and their Christmases will reflect more the slaughter of the innocents than joy to the world.  Most of the population of the world will rise, eat, sleep, some die- and not hear "familiar" carols or even know the story, the good news. 

But that doesn't mean it isn't true.  
God came down to bring PEACE,
 to show His GOODWILL toward His creation. 

 Are the angels still hovering o'er the earth as we tend our flocks, our families, our lives? 

Last year I set off for my winter travel in a camper with an agenda, a plan, books to read, ideas and outlines for writing, places to see and things to do.  What was I trying to prove? That my time here on earth was worth the oxygen I was removing from the planet?  That I could hear His voice and DO His will- earnestly proving my love and producing something worthy? 

                                     and on earth, peace, good will towards men
Peace on earth....

Peace is not striving to make sense of random acts of evil.  Peace is not being overwhelmed with the unreached people groups.  Peace not worrying about proving myself and producing something, anything.   Peace is allowing God's peace to transform MY life, peace is living His goodwill toward the people I meet. 

Goodwill is God's heart toward me. Handel had it right when he focused on that one word in this glorious  section- "goodwill, goodwill, goodwill".  Up and down it soars!  "People- My heart, my will  toward the earth, toward all peoples, toward YOU.... is GOOD". 

I leave in three days on another winter trip.  I'm taking what I can pack into two suitcases- one cold weather, one for warm.  I'm taking three or four books and a couple of projects that I may or may not work on.  I'm taking less and  I'm looking for opportunities to be still and enjoy beauty, to live out in my world God's goodwill toward men, relax a bit and be Peace on earth.  I'm chosing to accept the Gospel- that came upon a midnight clear. 

It came upon the midnight clear,
That glorious song of old,
From angels bending near the earth,
To touch their harps of gold:
"Peace on the earth, goodwill to men
From heavens all gracious King!"
The world in solemn stillness lay
To hear the angels sing.

Still through the cloven skies they come,
With peaceful wings unfurled;
And still their heavenly music floats
O'er all the weary world:
Above its sad and lowly plains
They bend on hovering wing,
And ever o'er its Babel sounds
The blessed angels sing.

For lo! the days are hastening on,
By prophets seen of old,
When with the ever-circling years
Shall come the time foretold,
When the new heaven and earth shall own
The Prince of Peace, their King,
And the whole world send back the song
Which now the angels sing.

....goodwill toward men.

Advent- He came to heal

Isaiah 35:5-6

“Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened, and the ears of the deaf unstopped. Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb shall sing.”


"Jesus said that His healing went straight to the heart of Messiah’s mission. They are a taste of God’s Kingdom coming. Jesus never did His mighty works as a gimmick to gather a crowd, but rather as a demonstration of the Kingdom of God. It is the heart of God to comfort and restore His creation.
Thus we see Jesus using kingly powers to command the dead to rise (Mark 5:41-42; Luke 7:14-15; John 11:43-44), the lame to leap (John 5:8-9; Mark 2:11), and deaf ears to open (Mark 7:31-35). No one Jesus touched was ever left the same as He brought God’s new creation to the world. But the crowds wanted a Messiah who would overthrow Rome, and cast down the political powers. So Jesus was despised and rejected by the people, and nailed to a cross." T. Smith


"No one Jesus touched was ever left the same
 as He brought God’s new creation to the world."

As the Advent season moves toward the full expression of God's love on Christmas Day, so our lives move toward a fuller expression of God's love in our lives.  "No one Jesus touched" one - not the ones He touched physically, not the believers through the ages, not His present church... "was ever left the same".   That's me and you and ones we love and the ones we struggle with - once a human has encountered the touch of Jesus, they are not left the same. 

I know I've changed since that winter day in 1972. It was a Young Life camp in the mountains of Colorado and Jesus touched me, He called  my name and I responded .  Did I immediately become tender and kind and aware of my family's needs?  Did I cease to slam my bedroom door? (big deal- I was in the far corner of the basement)  Did I keep myself pure and unsullied (isn't that  great old-fashioned word-  Yeah, look it up- it isn't describing the next few years of my life. 

But I was not left untouched by the Savior of my soul, the Redeemer of my spirit, the Lover of ME.  He continued to touch and teach and chastise and led me through the joys and pains of relationships, marriage, children, loneliness, rejection, woundings, widowhood.  Is this His idea of restoration?  There were plenty of days I wanted to cry, "Just leave me alone!" 

But He didn't- He came to heal. Me. 

 "It is the heart of God to comfort and restore His creation"

Comfort[from Old French confort, from Late Latin confortāre to strengthen very much, from Latin con- (intensive) + fortis strong]

His heart for me brought His strength into my little teenage girl life and started peeling away the layers of my anger, willfulness, insecurity, fears - and replacing with His character, his love, his kindess, his patience. Slowly, microscopically. With no visible changes for years sometimes. 

Restore -
 [from Old French, from Latin rēstaurāre to rebuild, from re- + -staurāre, as in instaurāre to renew]

He brought His plan, His blueprint into my world and has plans to rebuild it.  And He uses the rubble that I had buried, that I continued to make, that I will keep making - hopefully, in smaller amounts.  He didn't come once and leave if I didn't get it right the first time. And He didn't offer to just give me the blueprint so I could see the big picture and "do it myself", as much as I once thought that was a good idea. 

His heart is to restore His creation; I am His creation, He's sticking around to restore me.  Every time I identify a piece of rubble, brokenness, wound, hurt, expectation, fear and bring it to Him- He is here. It is His joy to rebuild, redeeming the largest and smallest pieces of my middle age life. 


He came to heal and comfort and restore His CREATION. 

 That's me.
That's you.

We're His creation.


What do you need this Advent from the baby in the manger? The King of Kings and Lord of Lords who came low and humble, meek and mild.    The Prince of Peace who came to comfort, who  gives His strength to our lives. The Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, who came to restore His entire creation- to create a new earth and to create a new heart in the people who love Him. 


In the midst of the heartaches of life, comfort feels far away.  We long for Jesus with skin on but we shrink from the hug from a friend or a husband. All we can feel is the layers being gently tugged away and we cling to the old patterns, the familiar reactions to words and we think it's safer to do our own thing.  

We want comfort, not strength to change. Can we trust HIm?


Sometimes it doesn't look at all like there is any restoration work going on on the earth- the environment is a mess, the weather is wild and dangerous, the earth is shaking and slamming the door like a hostile teenage girl. And the people are capable of greater evil than ever before.  God's restoration is slow, an invisible process but just like that surly teen age girl who grew up and slowly changed, His creation will come into full restoration.  He has promised. 

Let's anticipate this Advent season and let Him do what He came to do- 
 comfort, restore, Heal. 

“Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened, and the ears of the deaf unstopped. 
Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb shall sing.”

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Advent- "Suprise!'s a baby?"

Luke 2:8-9

“There were shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flocks by night. And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them, and they were sore afraid.”

Here's our newest, glorious disruption! 


“Christmas is a delightful disruption of the way things normally go”, says William Willimon, Dean of the Chapel at Duke University. Today’s Biblical text tells of a Christmas disruption of majestic proportions!
Here are shepherds doing what shepherds must have done on a cold Judean night. They poke at the fire, swapping stories while one of them softly pipes an ancient tune. One moment they are watching for wolves and jackals; the next moment an angel steps out of God’s presence into their presence without changing. The shepherds are suddenly overwhelmed by his glory, and engulfed in his blinding light. A heavenly messenger from another realm of reality, from another dimension, manifests before them." T. Smith

“There were shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flocks by night. 
These are such familiar words- our family read them out loud every Christmas morning.  And my  grown children now confess that those words were not a delightful tradition for their Christmas joy.  It wasn't the tender family moment we had assumed - it was a source of frustration and well, disruption. 

Like the shepherds who were doing what shepherds do, they were children and wanted to do what children do- open gifts, eat birthday cake ( it IS a birthday) and assemble the latest Lego model.  Maybe it would have been a better tradition to put them to bed with that story from Luke each Christmas Eve- at the time we just wanted to create the holy in the midst of the wild.  We had a plan, we thought it through, we were the parents, we were the adults- we were in charge! 

God had a plan, God thought it through and He always always knows best.  He sent angels.  He sent angels to interrupt and disrupt a quiet, ordinary night with quiet, ordinary folk. Men who were not accustomed to getting the news first- they were just out in their fields, trying to stay awake.  And suddenly an angel came upon them, and the Glory of God shown around them- this glory was not up in the sky but among them, encompassing them, as one translation says.  The only other time this Greek word, peri-lampo, is used is when Paul is describing the light that poured from heaven and blinded him on the road to Damascus in Acts 27.  

Why did I always see light around the angels?  This light was all around the shepherds!  The Glory came down!  The Israelites hadn't seen God's Glory on earth since Ezekiel watched it depart from the temple and God let His people go into exile four hundred years earlier. Ezekiel 10:18-19.  

Suddenly the visible manifestation, the Glory of God, was around, encompassing, enclosing and generally terrifying some dull, ordinary shepherds.  Out in their fields.  With sheep. 

The angel said, "Fear not" but it was too late, they were sore afraid.  Is that the afraid that makes your whole body ache?  This must be some news!  Something worth the sore.  

8-12 There were sheepherders camping in the neighborhood. They had set night watches over their sheep. Suddenly, God’s angel stood among them and God’s glory blazed around them. They were terrified. The angel said, “Don’t be afraid. I’m here to announce a great and joyful event that is meant for everybody, worldwide: A Savior has just been born in David’s town, a Savior who is Messiah and Master. This is what you’re to look for: a baby wrapped in a blanket and lying in a manger.” The Message

A baby?  You're a big angel, you just appeared and scared our sheep, you terrified us and made us sore;  you proclaimed good news, you say David's back- the great warrior king.  We think "Yes! We're kicking those Romans out!"    And it's.... a baby- wrapped up in some blankets and in a feeding trough?   Don't try to fool us, we know what a manger is. 


As human parents  we tried to control our children, insert the holy, do the right thing. Manipulate, control, even dominate some days.   God just sent an angel, then a choir of glorious music, and pretty simple directions that didn't make a lot of sense.  

Go to the neighboring village, look for a baby- the one lying in a manger. 
 With animals, and a tired mother and a confused father. 
 Ordinary people on an extraordinary night.   


We don't have to force the majesty of the gospel. 
We can't control our childrens' response to the story.
We don't have to earnestly belabor the mystery of the arrival of 
God on earth in human form. 
Who really understands the incarnation, anyway? 

God's plan always means He is breaking into our dull and ordinary. He is opening heaven for us to have a glimpse.  He has good news.   And He is reassuring us that we don't need to be afraid.  Not even afraid of making mistakes with our kids or not explaining this thing called Christmas well enough.  Those kids are just watching  us and doing what we do.  And we just need to follow the directions and look for a baby. 

 And look where you might not think he'd be. 
 With the ordinary, the humble, the shepherds. 

The wonder of the ordinary