This day I was thinking about my word for 2016- a word or a concept to chew over all year long. I've tried to do this for many years now. Sometimes I slack off or just forget and I'm sure I miss the lessons and growth intended for me. But I usually return over and over to that word.
I don't know how the choice happens but there must be divine Love involved. If my word is worship, I'd find a new artist that blessed my socks off. If it's discipline, I heard messages, found books- all year I'm challenged. If I'm paying attention, I see new truths or beauty.
This year my word is Faithful.
Well, what does Faithful look like for me? First, I need to Focus- prioritize my time, recognize distractions.
And I need to be Fit- I can't be focused and faithful if I'm distracted by my health. I'm keenly aware that both my brother and my father had heart attacks in their early sixties and my physiology is more like my dad than my mother. Well, of course I can be faithful in any health circumstances, but if it's up to me, I'd rather focus on preventative health. So this year it's not one, but three words.
No rules here, just intention. And sharing that intention with others, keeping myself accountable.
In 2016, I'm challenging myself to blog at least once a week
on Faithful, Focused and Fit.

As I was thinking about my word, I caught a glimpse of this view in my rear view mirror.
The scene was completely different, a new angle of light on the hills.
Sometimes our word for the year is cause to look back or look around-
to be open to the unexpected.
How about you? Is it helpful to focus on a specific word for an extended period of time? Have you considered this discipline?
What word comes to mind? What's your reaction? Joy or sorrow, anticipation or dread?
Words have power to create life- as in Genesis. And our words can create life within us and life for our neighbor. So chose a word that brings you life, stirs up anticipation, creates joy.
Then share it with someone. I'd love to hear your word. Tell your sister or spouse. Ask someone to pick a word is so you can share this journey with them in a more intentional way.
No nagging, just loving. Focusing on moving forward, becoming more faithful.
I'm glad to be reminded --always encouraged by your writing (and no fear, never nagged :-)