
Wednesday, September 13, 2017

I'm back to the blog...and out of the country!

I just realized it's been almost a year since I last blogged. I do miss the musing and writing but I've been busy with so many other projects, this has fallen by the wayside. But I'm in Mexico for a month and thought I'd use my poor neglected blog to collect my own thoughts and share my adventure.

I arrived last night- late, around midnight, to San Pablo Villa de Mitla.  I think that is a village designation, not the name of a villa.

This is NOT my digs....

This is my home for the next month... it's perfect.

I'm in a rather spartan one bedroom apartment on the center for linguists and translation here in Milta, Oaxaca (the "state") in southwest Mexico.  It's less than 100 miles from the hard hit town of Juchitán de Zaragoza, Oaxaca but there is little damage to see here. I'll be out and about in a few minutes.

I added some color asap and will bring home fresh flowers.  Check out the formal coffee table! 

Cooking on GAS- LOVE it!

I could have a slumber party on that bed. 

I'm here to teach the English speaking children of international translators for three weeks. The center hosts the children and their families twice a year to give the homeschooled children a classroom experience. The irony is not lost on me- I spent twenty years homeschooling and maybe two as an occasional substitute teacher. But I can create a classroom experience- I hope!

This morning I'll go with the education director to pick up another teacher and find a grocery store. In my careful packing- "I will NOT pay extra to bring unnecessary stuff to Mexico!", I forgot to pack some protein bars. So breakfast was a spoon of hemp and dry peanut butter reconstituted with chai tea. It was actually delicious.

The water has boiled so I'll wash my face and get ready to meet Mexico. Off to buy fruits and veggies (directions to soak them in bleach or iodine in the apartment manual).

But I have faster wifi than at my house and gorgeous bougainvillea outside my front door. The chai was lovely and the day is new.

For my SD  friends....yes, Harley Davidson is available right in the Mexico City airport!

I was too busy ogling the view and forgot to take a better picture of the amazing beauty of Mexico City at night.
 That is on BIG city. 


  1. I'm so glad you are documenting your time in Mexico for all of us (ME) to share! You know you are in our prayers. Muchlove, Jan

  2. Good for you, girl! Glad you're having an adventure!


Thank you for your comments. I am always encouraged to know this blog is a blessing.