Isaiah 40:4
“Ev’ry valley shall be exalted, and ev’ry mountain and hill made low; the crooked straight and the rough places plain.”
"The prophet’s imagery in today’s text alludes to the ancient custom of preparing a highway for the arrival of an eastern monarch. The visiting king would send heralds ahead to repair roads, remove obstacles, and even to construct new roads. Heralds would go ahead and cry out: “Prepare the way for the coming king!”
Sometimes preparation meant that a road in a valley needed to be lifted, a rough way leveled, a crooked road made straight. Armies of workmen would busily prepare for the king’s coming. This is the imagery of today’s text: “Ev’ry valley shall be exalted, and ev’ry mountain and hill made low; the crooked straight and the rough places plain.” T. Smith
Every valley shall be exalted.
Isaiah says every valley will be exalted- raised to make way for the King. Handel's music swells and lowers with the words. Listen to Timothy Smith speak on musical "text painting". What a gift of God to Handel, and to us!
"In this joyful aria Handel employs a technique, common in the Baroque period, which he will continue to employ throughout Messiah. The technique is called “tone painting” or “text painting”, where a composer writes notes to mimic the words of the text. Handel uses music to paint an acoustic picture of the Scripture text. For instance, in the music listen to how the word “valley” ends on a low note, and how “exalted” ends on an ascending one. “Mountain” forms a high point in the melody, and “hill”, a smaller one. “Low” ends on a note further down the scale.
Listen how the soloist takes four notes to sing “crooked”, while singing “straight” in one straight, sustained tone. “Rough places” is short, separate notes making a rough sound.
The different sounds contrast the exalted and the low, the crooked and the straight, the rough places and plain. Handel’s use of tone painting helps us to visualize the transformation Messiah brings in His coming. It challenges all to be ready."

So what "valleys" in our lives need to be examined? Carefully considered and their true value estimated?
Is there a valley in your life that can be "exalted"? Lifted to its proper place? Valued?
My life has had mountains and valleys like any other life. My husband died. My children have broken my heart in small ways. I left behind a beloved family home and those children can never return there for holidays and gatherings. I have had seasons of great depression. These are my valleys.
But when examined, reflected on with prayer, their value can be fully appreciated. My husband is a breath away and eternity awaits us in the full presence of Jesus. My children are growing into mature, godly men and women who love me and desire my best. I am creating a retreat home for this new season and God has provided richly more than I need. I have learned to cling to my Abba, Father in those dark seasons and I can more fully minister to others who still walk in darkness.
The valleys of my life have been exalted- lifted up to their proper height so the King of Glory can come, once more, into my very being and renew me, create in me a new heart- a heart more centered on Him than on me. There is a cost to filling in a valley- it no longer looks the way it once did, old pieces are disrupted, the new path feels rough and unfamiliar. But it is good. It is a path to walk forward in the journey.

Join me this Advent season- examine your valleys and let Him exalt them, make the crooked straight and the rough places plain. Preparing the way for our coming King.
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