I am flying to Tucson with a stop in Houston. I love
flying. My short legs fit, as long
as I can prop them on my carry-on so they don’t dangle, I’m a happy
camper. I can even stand up under
the overhead compartment in most planes.
Weird but true factoids for your pleasure.
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On the plane again.... I can't wait to get on the plane again.... |
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Yep, I write on the plane. |
So what is the plan? I want to write. I want to connect with
some new people. I want to hear from God.
And guess what? He’s here!
I limited myself to three books for these next ten days, a traveling dilemma for a reader. And don’t give me the Kindle lecture…. I still like real books ‘cause I can write in them. I’m traveling with a carry-on only (and the brilliant backup plan that in the spring, my mother can carry any excess junk I acquire in Arizona back to South Dakota in her car!)
I limited myself to three books for these next ten days, a traveling dilemma for a reader. And don’t give me the Kindle lecture…. I still like real books ‘cause I can write in them. I’m traveling with a carry-on only (and the brilliant backup plan that in the spring, my mother can carry any excess junk I acquire in Arizona back to South Dakota in her car!)
My books?
Eugene Peterson’s Run
with the Horses
my dig-into book right now. I love Jeremiah and I was reminded that he was an
advisor to King Josiah- turned out to be a fun coincidence as I await the
arrival of my first grandson, Josiah Robert Haack. J
"If you
have raced with men on foot, and they have wearied you, how will you compete
with horses?" Jeremiah 12:5
“We all long to live life at its best--to fuse freedom and
spontaneity with purpose and meaning. Why then do we often find our lives so
humdrum, so unadventuresome, so routine? Or else so frantic, so full of
activity, but still devoid of fulfillment? How do we learn to risk, to trust,
to pursue wholeness and excellence--to run with the horses in the jungle of
I grabbed, quite random and trusting God will reveal why-
Ken Gire’s Intense Moments with the
Savior, Learning to Feel. I
love his books – he’s a story teller who expects you to respond and also the
provides structure for that response. This is stories of Christ’s suffering- my
Lenten reading.
And finally I
brought Luci Shaw’s Life Path. http://www.lucishaw.com/
I was at an artists’ retreat at Laity Lodge in Texas and she was a co-leader. She’s
a wonderful poet and Christian contemplative. I’ve enjoyed her poetry and
thought I’d toss in her book on Personal
and Spiritual Growth through Journal Writing. I don’t have a fresh journal for this trip so I’ll grab
a cool Arizona journal and a new pen and really begin. Tomorrow.
But I thought I’d scan her ideas, check out the book. Keep
it surface. After all, I’m on a plane.
Remember the part about God coming along with me? He had me
read her very first introductory chapter with some benign suggestions for starting
a journal.
“1. Draw the face of a clock- leave off the hands but add the numbers.
2 As you look at the clock
you have drawn, ask-
‘What time is it in my life right now?”
Let the question sink in until you feel the right time has suggested
itself to you ….
Draw two hands… to represent the time.”
Contemplate. Think. Be still- even in an airplane there is
opportunity for distraction. But this is the emptiest plane I have been on in
years. So I think.
“3. Write one or two descriptive sentences that would address the
‘Where am in my life right now?’
Such as: ‘I feel as if in my life is standing still’;
’I’m in a lonely, lost
‘This is a time of new beginnings.”
Meditate. Be
still and wait. What are the
images that come to my mind?
I think in pictures- what’s the picture God is bringing to
my mind? It's this.
It’s 6am on my life clock.
Still too early to jump up and rush into the day but the sun is peeking into
the window of my cozy bedroom. It’s not that "middle of the night, wake up in the dark in a panic" moment. No, in my picture a new
day is emerging with promise of warmth and sunshine. I’m just not quite ready for it to begin.
This feels like a small, indulgent occasion to be comfortable and snug in a soft cocoon. That quiet morning time to lay still and try and capture those elusive dream images that flit in and out like tantalizing vapors. It’s that lucid moment to contemplate the tasks ahead, to savor the anticipation of this new day.
Shouldn’t I be DOING something?
No, this is the sacred time to lie quietly and
bless the coming day. To murmur thank you, to recount blessings and form psalms
of thanksgiving, to listen drowsily for the small Voice.
The day will come, the job He has for me is waiting but right
now, it’s only 6 am and I have a few more minutes to prepare myself for the day
I’m not sure what that image means. Clearly a new season, a new day is
dawning in my life – I’m on my way to a real life writer’s retreat after all. I do love early mornings; this is a very
peaceful image to me, a kiss from a loving Father who is gifting me with a new
day, not handing me a task list. From
my images, it’s clear I’m not quite ready to jump into the new day but
honestly, 6 am is pretty close to “the day’s a wasting” voice of my early-bird
Just like He
gave me the images, I trust He’ll unwrap the meaning for me.
So I’m getting ready. I’m listening. I’m capturing some
dream images. It’s 6am in my inner world.
What time is it in your life? Can you sit quietly and think prayerfully about the questions
Luci raised?
There is such wonder
at the thought that God wants to reveal more of you to you. He already knows every hair on our heads. He knows which
image will speak to me, which will speak to you. So… be still, think, listen. Maybe make a clock...
So, what time is it in
your life?
Love this. Great question: "What time is it in my life?" Will have to think. Thanks for the challenge and the wonderful edification.