I just recently gained access to the local library here in Ohio- between the holidays, the flu and an injured hand, excursions out were limited to the essentials. I did find John Green's The Fault in our Stars at the nearby grocery store and enjoyed it much more than I expected. Clever but careful, thoughtful writing. http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/11870085-the-fault-in-our-stars
Off to the library we went and they had no John Green books on the shelves. He's in the young adult section- I should have known. I found... hmm. No idea. That shows my retention with fiction. Now my daughter just said, "It was Jody Picoult, about the elephants." Oh, to have a younger memory.
Leaving Time is Picoult's intriguing story weaving the nature of elephants with loss and letting go. It has a pretty wild twist at the end that I wanted to go back and revisit but the plot had more holes than swiss cheese. She's certainly a writer that keeps you up nights! http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18816603-leaving-time
Since Picoult, I've gone a bit of a spree and the following titles reveal how varied or eclectic or perhaps, how desperate I've been. It's also interesting what appeals when I perused my adult child's childhood library.

So the bookcase in my room has given me some gems. Willa Cather's sweeping, yet intimate tale of Nebraska pioneers and the familiar theme of us vs. them woven within My Antonia. Lovely, inspiring.
A childhood story that everyone should read, L.M.Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables. If you don't know the story, it's a sweet treat. http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/8127.Anne_of_Green_Gables
Next my eyes find a Penguin Classic. Aeschylus's trilogy, The Oresteia. I 'taught' the first story, Agamemnon, to my daughter in high school, reading it for the first time myself as well. This time I read in the introduction, "Perhaps no paradox inspired Aeschylus more than the bond that might exist between pathos and mathos, suffering and its significance. That bond is life itself.... and that bond produces our achievement- pain becomes a stimulus and a gift." Let's think on that for a moment.
And I think that's a excellent place to stop. Before all the murder and mayhem. Get to to point first.
http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1519.The_Oresteia Check out some great reviews, with really big words.
Ok, my head is spinning. So last night I retreated to the relative sanity of Shel Silverstein's classic, A Light in the Attic. Goofy black ink drawing, insensible characters, twists with words and concepts. But this had this anchor for my recent thrashing in a sea of words. http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/30118.A_Light_in_the_Attic
Frozen Dream
I'll take the dream I had last night
And put in my freezer,
So someday long and far away
When I'm an old gray geezer,
I'll take it out and thaw it out,
This lovely dream I've frozen,
And boil it up and sit me down
And dip my old toes in.
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