I'm going to Canada!
I know, it's a random bit of info but my sister and I are planning a road trip. I'll drive my camper north from Baby Land in North Carolina. After a quick visit in Virginia, I'll pick Janet up at a DC airport and head north.
http://www.canadacool.com/COOLFACTS/ONTARIO/NiagaraFallsFroze.html |
Really north. My practical mom said across Iowa, etc is the shortest, fastest, "It shouldn't take more than four days".
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Grand_Hotel-Mackinac_Island.jpg |
My sister, my soul mate, said, "I've never been to Mackinac Island (Upper Pennisula, Michigan). Let's go through Canada." Hurrah for crazy-sister road trips!
Except I had no idea where I put my passport.
In our family home in Virginia, when we asked "Where is.....?", someone would repy (or yell) "It's either in the garage or the basement!" We knew those two topsy-turvy storage spaces would be the likely dump spots. When I moved out, I realized just how much stuff over the years, we had stashed and saved for some future and good purpose. And I thought I had done a thorough purging of that garage and basement until I started putting what I kept into a house 2/3rds the size of the previous one. I saved too much.
And I haven't been at home in SD long enough to figure out the right space for everthing! It's hard when you don't have the same rooms with the same desk drawers or cabinets. At least that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
So we've been hunting for the passport.
And I'm in NC. The passport is probably, likely, hopefully in South Dakota.
"I'm sure it's the little gray safety deposit box....' 'No, well try under the .... or maybe in the ....' 'Is it possibly in the safe at YOUR house?" Argh....
So... is this God telling us not to go to Canada? Or we supposed to
press through and
persevere- well, obviously I'm not going into a foreign country without a passport. Then I looked at the map and we would save so much time and hassle if we could just go west across Ontario. So the question became- "How long would it take to get a $45 Canada/Mexico only pass?" Is it worth it?
Can I manipulate circumstance so I can do what I really want to do? And declare it was God's intention all along? His perfect will for us to play in Canada? Does the Creator of the universe care if two sisters go to Canada or Ohio or wherever?
Ring, ring- do cell phones 'ring, ring'? Well, mine did. My brother was calling and the lost is found, my passport was under my camera bag in the closet. So THAT"S where I stashed the camera !!
What's the moral? Organize your house? Put your valuables in a sensible place and write it down? Don't let the organized spouse die first?
Fret and wonder about the will of God?
Or turn my eyes to the people in this present situation. Can I cultivate gratitude for the relationships in this complicated life I've made. In my case-
My mom had her suggestions that made good sense AND she wasn't offended when we ignored them.
My sister loves me and I love her- we're arranging our time because we love to be together.
And her husband is a saint.
My brother had asked me if I wanted to buy the house across the road from his. I did.
Now when I can't find things, leave the water running, forget to turn off the garage light, plant flowers that need to be watered, don't know where to dump garage.... my brother probably wonders about the wisdom of having me across the road. :( And his wife is a saint, too.
But they search, he mails, he is looking out for me. We have a closer relationshio now than ever before. My mom prays, my sister plans, my friends shake their heads and look forward to my visits.
And God, the creator of the universe, does care- He cares that I don't fret, that I hold my life and my road trips in open hands. He wants the people in my life to be more important than the stuff in my life. He longs for me to relax and enjoy the day I'm given and trust that either the passport is found or the trip is good in another way. Good in ways that I see only when my heart is tender and open - to Him and to the life He gives.
Some days don't turn out as sweet- it's not a changed trip, it's a changed life. Lots of things, most things are a bigger deal than a misplaced passport for a pleasure trip. But if I can be faithful in the little things, I can be trusted with bigger things. If can admit my shortcomings of organization and memory and not berate myself for it, I can culitvate godly tolerance. If I can humble myself to ask and accept help from others, I can embrace vulnerability and celebrate community.
God loves me, that makes me valuable, worthwhile, precious. He sings over me with songs of joy- get over the passport, Kathryn, and rejoice in the good stuff!
But when it all comes together and the lost is found, it's a good thing too.
Yes, sir - we're going on a road trip!