
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day Two- Why?

My second day on the road has ended... with a hotel fire alarm. I'm in Danville, Illinois with a bunch of high school teams and I suspect someone tripped the alarm last night about 1am.  I guess that was this morning so technically day three began with a fire alarm but since I am not particularly technical, we'll ignore that.

Yesterday's highlights, aside from a jarring false alarm, were printing, signing, faxing the final paperwork for the contract on my house, a few bands of rain across Ohio, a wrong turn in Indianapolis into crazy traffic, and getting very lost returning to my Danville hotel after a swimsuit run to Walmart.  Oh, and soaking in a jacuzzi at the end of it all.

But the parts I will remember are not the irritations or scenery but the phone calls.  For years my kids have called me from the road, "I'm here. How can I get there?" or "Can you google....".  It was usually fun to help and feel like I was on the adventure with them.  One on of my more frustrating moments was when Paul was motorcycling across the country and I was out of cell range on a cruise to Canada.

I cherish community and this whole move threatens to dissolve my community in Virginia. But yesterday was such a sweet reminder that in this electronic day and age, community can be sustained more easily. I don't believe it can be fully established without some "in the flesh, sitting around the table" time but it doesn't have to be broken apart by distance.

So- communication highlights include

  • Thank you, Eric, for getting my paperwork off your computer and onto your printer! 
  • Yes, I did drive into the storm- rain, not snow.
  • No, I didn't want to wait it out. Thanks for the concern, Tracy. I love reconnecting with you.

  • Jan Hamme tells funny travel stories.  Arkansas can be funny.
  • Trinity Wilbourn is always a blessing to talk to. She thinks I'm wise and witty- makes me want to be wise and witty. She and her family are driving to Arkansas- what's with Arkansas this week?

  • My sweet daughter, Abby, is willing to guide me but you must go north on 465 around Indianapolis, not south to connect 70 and 74.  Ahh, on second look at the map,  did you say to take 70 to 65 all the way across the city and THEN go SOUTH just a mile or so to 74.... that would make sense. If numbers make sense.... Indianapolis has major highway construction. And major traffic.  I have a major need for a GPS. I know. But then I couldn't call....

  • Mom and brother, Larry- I'll be there as soon as I can. Yes, I'll call you when I know. No, I'm not going to make it on Saturday. (especially at this rate!)
  • I miss my kind neighbors, Dan and Maureen - thanks for keeping an eye on the homestead.
  • Drew, you didn't return my phone call. How am I supposed to figure out this smart phone? Hey- they have instructions online! 

  • Donna Baker and her Creative Memories monthly crop are a hoot! They can pull up obscure airports and country roads, get me turned around and safely anchored back at the Fairfield after the said Walmart run.  You ladies are a fun part of my world and I love your support. Laughing with you was a blessing.             It is not a good idea to return on a different road in a strange town in the dark.... Danville quickly becomes "farmville"without street lights or  streets.                     When the first exit says "Danville" it isn't really the TOWN, it's just hotels on the FAR edge of town.              There may not be traffic but people drive a fair distance to Walmart in Danville, Illinois. 
I'm learning.... check out maps before the cities, earbuds hurt your ears after a few hours, cheap diesel is only for truck drivers (something about taxes...).         Clyde, the truck, is less fun to fill up than the Prius. The Midwest is flat, Clyde likes flat; cruise control is worth every penny; the Midwest has BIG skies, Kathryn likes big skies.        Country radio comes on strong when nothing else does. You should figure out how your radio works before you are driving.       Food is a good travel companion.  When you toss the snacks to the other side of the truck, you can't reach over and retrieve them when you change your mind. 

And... I'm still in a hurry!  WHY? (There- worked in the title....)  Why am I in a rush? I do have things to do on the other end- like unpack and set up a house... why rush that?  I have people to see... but maybe I have people to meet here and now.   Why can't I settle my heart and take time to find the camera and take that fabulous shot of the line of farm tractors in the afternoon sun?  Why didn't I just take a moment to drive out of the way to Amsterdam, Ohio?  What's the point of collecting state maps if I just want to plaster them on my walls instead of explore the back roads... despite UPS trucks?

Lucky for all of us that today is not a day to meander and think across the Midwest. It's time to get it in gear and haul west through gray skies and rain bands.  Thank you, Drew- think I'll figure out how to listen to one of the lectures you downloaded... before I drive.... and make some time.  Blessings to all, K

PS- pictures are still a pain... maybe tomorrow. 


  1. Yes, it was 70 to 65N then south on 465 to 74W :) Sorry the traffic was so horrible! Love you!

  2. You ARE wise and witty. Note: your blog is hilarious. Snacks on the other side of the truck...if only there was a camera to capture the ridiculous things we will do to our bodies to try and maneuver over to our snacks while still driving. Food never seemed so DIRE a need until it was just out of reach!


Thank you for your comments. I am always encouraged to know this blog is a blessing.