
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Crazy Sister Trip

Finally! WiFi that works..... Janet and I have arrived at my dear friend, Julie, in Cedarburg (Milwaukee), Wisconsin. Here's the first report on our road trip back to South Dakota. 

35 years ago, two sisters were separated by marriage…. the older one got married.  Years went by with the usual occasional visits and loving exchanges, then circumstances changed and suddenly they lived only six hours apart.  There was time for lots of visiting and they realized that they were best of friends!  And practically clones….

My absolutely favorite (and only) sister has joined me in ferrying Clyde back to South Dakota. My road trip to the East began the end of January and it is soooo time to be home.  The world’s most perfect grandchild has been born, my daughter and her husband are well on their way into “Welcome to Parenthood 101” and I do have a life in the Black Hills. 

I was home briefly in May and Janet and I cooked up this adventure- mostly, “I want to come…..” or perhaps, “Do you want to come?” – followed by “OH, YEAH!”.  And with the blessing of her very understanding husband.  He actually encourages us to be alone together because being together together with the family is a bit obnoxious for the rest of them. (We really do feel your pain, Mom. We don’t mean to be so silly.)

We have no idea how this happened but we really are  clones.  We not only finish each other sentences, we say the EXACT same thing at the same time, all the time. We both woke up with a little sore on the same exact place. We buy the same odd products at the same time - like coconut peanut butter.   We eat the same foods- this trip we found out we both eat only mayonnaise on our French fries and mustard with a little ketchup on our onion rings. This was a rhetorical discussion only; there were no actual French fries or onion rings consumed. We are attempting to be healthy eaters and lose a little weight. Besides, all the wine we brought has calories….

Thursday-  I did one last fun run to Trader Joes.  I stocked my little camper fridge with an assortment of salads, goat cheese, flourless bread and wines.  And chocolate.  For medicinal purposes.

I was easy to spot coming in to the Dulles International Airport- I was the only one ton truck with a camper and a bike sticking off the back.  I didn’t even maneuver into a curbside spot.  The little guy on the Segway took one look at me and stopped me right in the middle while she hustled out and hopped in.  

Hurrah and high fives, we’ve off.   Let the journey begin!

Why does SHE get the hammock??

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