
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Adventure .... and lost and found

I had one last adventure before I left Big Bend State Park- a solo hike.  Safe, easy, close to the road. ha!

It was close to the road- the road opens to a little parking area and there is a sign for Cinco Tinajas. "Five Jars"- or in this case, naturally formed pools.

 I did pay attention to that little voice, "Take the walking poles" even though the path looked pretty flat to me.  I had my water in my new hydration pack. I had TWO cameras- one Sony, one iPhone which takes great photos but didn't have cell coverage anywhere on Big Bend Ranch. So it was just a camera. I had my sun hat so shouldn't need sunscreen... wrong. But off I went- water and chocolate on my back.

This is the last flat part of the hike. The "road" at the bottom?  The dry river bed.

This canyon becomes central to my story....view from the top.

Those poles were really helpful, invaluable actually getting down the steep path of volcanic scree. Photos don't do it justice. It was steep. But the dry river at the bottom was worth the scramble. The whole place is a photograph waiting to happen. Lovely.  I wandered alone- it's amazing how comforting fellow human footprints are. And the horseshoes prints were fun to follow.

The big cat prints?  Not so comforting. But I would be out before dark.

God's Zen garden. 

My destination. It's hard to get the scale.

Great photos, good hike, lovely day.

See the happy smile. She has no idea what the next few hours will bring.
Happiness is bliss. 

Except, after a rigorous scramble out of the canyon several hours later, I realized I had lost my iPhone/camera... in the canyon.  Not quite panic- which is a big step for me; and no self-loathing, no self-recrimination- a HUGE step for me.  OK- I made a mistake and Lord, if this is a lesson or a blessing, please,  don't let me become lunch for that kitty with those big paws.

Back down the scree. Hike into the canyon- what side was I on when I scrambled out?  Why isn't my phone in a neon case? Why didn't I put a lock on it in case I don't find it? What exactly IS on my contact list- did I really put all my passwords there?  OK- now a bit of concern is creeping in.

But- God is good. Even when we don't find lost cameras/phones/wallets/ car keys, He is always good.... but He was very good, very gracious to me that day and there, on the ledge high above the small pool of water was my phone AND... a bright blue carabiner, which caught my eye.

 Bread and wine? Water and chocolate!  The trusty walking poles- thank you, Drew. Come and get them back any time. Love the backpack, Steve and Abby. Thanks!

Gee- don't I look happy? Well, I was.
 Just a bit tired after my second scramble back out!

The hike out of the canyon wasn't that hard- my heart was light.  The hat was helpful but I must remember sunscreen in these desert wanders. The kitty remained invisible. The lost was found.

 It was a good day.

Amazing cactus growing on the side of the canyon wall. 


1 comment:

  1. wow those are big paw prints! Glad you found your iphone and got nice pictures of yourself :)


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