
Friday, February 28, 2014

St Benedict's Feb 12: Tones

We are encouraged to attend certain services at the nearby monastery. Vigils at 4:30am, Lauds or Mass at 7:3am, Vespers to close the day at 7pm. The Trappists monks wear long, cream robes and sing in response, back and forth in deep, simple tones. We join in, keeping our voices low and blended. No soaring solos here, instead we blend to honor the Psalms we sing.  Ancient and reverent. 

Like old branches anchored in the earth. 

Like photos with little color but intriguing forms.

By Night

The tapers in the great God’s hall
     Burn ageless, beautiful and white,
But only with the fall of dusk
     Disclose to earth their faithful light.

Earth keeps her lamps of beauty, too,
     Fairer than stars in fields above;
Dark hours of grief and pain reveal
     The undreamed constancy of love.  
                                           Philip Jerome Cleveland

Walking in the Dark

I saw him leave behind me.

It’s a good half-mile to walk and snow crunches beneath my feet.
My flashlight bobs a weak path on this moonless night
And I pull the coat hood snug around my head.

Down the hill,
   Around the corner
He follows my light.

The bells toll.
   Quickening my pace,
I reach the dark cluster of pines, branches hanging low and heavy.

Behind me, his footsteps are faster, catching up,
   At the threshold his arm reaches out
And opens the chapel door.

I nod.

We enter together in silence for evening vespers.
Pilgrims, he and I, companions without words

 Merely sharing light.

1 comment:

  1. So glad and grateful to catch up on your posts - perfect for Ash Wednesday! I so appreciate your giftings dear friend, thanks for using them to express uplifting truth.


Thank you for your comments. I am always encouraged to know this blog is a blessing.